



电子邮件: dejongj2@brandonmchose.com
电话: 206-281-2265
办公室: 麦肯纳大厅211

教育: MBA, University of Chicago; PhD, University of Hawaii. 自2022年起在SPU工作.

金融既有趣又重要. 在SPU任教之前, Dr. DeJong was an 金融学副教授 and Department Chair at Nova Southeastern University in Florida and an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Hawaii’s School of Travel Industry Management. He 获得博士学位.D. in Finance at the University of Hawaii in Manoa and his Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) from the CFA Institute, 都是在2007年. 他是 a life–long learner having earned his MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago in 1978 and his BA in Mathematics and Business Administration from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, 1976年在密歇根. 与他的学术生涯同时进行, he does consulting work with other businesses and non–profits through DeJong Enterprises, 公司., 共同创立了Nest Egg Guru, an online app for individuals to test their retirement preparedness with its Retirement Savings Calculator and Retirement Spending Calculator. Prior to his academic career he was an entrepreneur and business owner. He 拥有并管理Van’s Furniture, 公司., a large and successful retail furniture store. 此外,他 actively daytraded stocks and ETFs as well as developed investment strategies based on momentum. He especially enjoys teaching students how investments and financial management improve their personal financial lives and their careers. His main areas of research are investing in ETFs and retirement planning for both saving prior to retirement and spending during retirement.  


• “A Case Study in Sequence Risk: A 20–year retrospective on the impact of the 2000–2002 and 2007–2009 bear markets on retirement nest egg sustainability.(与约翰. 罗宾逊)2021. Forthcoming in the Journal of Wealth Management. This paper is available in SSRN since April 2021 where it has been viewed 1,128次,下载401次.

• “CEO 公司entives Shown to Yield Positive Societal Benefits” (co–authored with 罗西塔P. 常, 罗伯特Doktor, 佬司Oxelheim, and Trond Rondoy) Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, (2019, 8月26日). (博客). 检索自http://corpgov.法律.哈佛大学.edu/2019/08/26/ceo-incentivesshown-to-yield-positive-societal-benefits/#more-12135/

• “Determinants of Retirement Portfolio Sustainability and Their Relative Impacts(与约翰. Robinson) Journal of Financial Planning, Volume 30, Issue 4, (April 2017), pp. 54–62.This paper was presented in September 2016 at the Financial Planning Association’s annual meeting in Baltimore, 马里兰. Our paper won an award in FPA’s Academic Paper Competition where the nine finalists were invited to present at FPA’s annual meeting. 这篇论文在 South Florida FPA Conference in April 2017.

• “The Impact of CEO Long-term Compensation 公司entives on Economic Growth in Collectivist versus Individualist Countries” (co–authored with Cynthia J. 坎贝尔,罗西塔·P. 常, 罗伯特Doktor, 佬司Oxelheim, and Trond Rondoy) Asian Economic Papers, Volume 15, No. 2,(夏季2016),页. 109–133. 这篇论文在 European International Business Association’s Annual Conference in Porto, 2010年12月葡萄牙, as well as at Misr International University’s International Annual Conference in Cairo, 2011年5月的埃及. 这篇论文在
Asian Economic Panel conference in June 2015. 这篇论文在 Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management in Queenstown, 2015年12月的新西兰, and won a best paper award in ANSAM’s Managing for Peak Performance stream.

• “Risk and the Volatility Anomaly” (co–authored with Charles Collver and Darshana Palkar) Journal of Investing, 第25卷, No. 3,(秋季2016),页. 17–28. 这篇论文在 Eastern Finance Association’s Annual Conference in St. 2013年4月,佛罗里达州皮特海滩.

• “The Cost of Guaranteed 公司ome: Demystifying the value proposition of variable annuities with guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB) riders” (co–authored with 罗西塔P. 常, Qianqiu Liu, Jack Suyderhoud, and John H. Robinson) Retirement Management Journal, Volume 4, No. 1,(春季2014),pp. 55–69. 这篇论文在 Academy of Financial Services’ Annual Meeting in Chicago, 2013年10月.

•“生命周期基金受到了不公平的待遇吗?? A Comprehensive Comparison of Lifecycle versus Lifestyle Retirement Strategies from Accumulation Through Withdrawal” (co–authored with Qianqiu Liu, 罗西塔P. 常和John H. Robinson) Journal of Wealth Management , Volume 14, No. 2,(2011年秋季),页. 68–84. This paper was presented in October 2010 at the Academy of Financial Services’ annual meeting in Denver, 在科罗拉多州获得了最佳论文奖.

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