Top 10 (or 11) Tips for Getting 奖学金

1. 阅读说明书.

This would seem to go without saying, but you’d be surprised! Be sure to read the directions carefully before you start filling out your application. Don't assume you know what to do already.

2. 完成申请 全额.

回答每一个问题. If a question doesn’t apply, don’t leave the answer field blank. 输入“N/A”, or, if the reason the question doesn't apply isn’t obvious, 包括原因. Be sure to supply all additional supporting material, 比如成绩单, letters of recommendation, 和论文.

3. 遵循的方向.

Provide everything the application asks for, but don’t supply things that aren’t requested — you could be disqualified.

4. Be neat, because neatness matters.

Always type your application, or, if you must print, do so neatly and legibly. 使 a couple of photocopies of all the forms before you fill them out. Use the copies as working drafts as you develop your application packet.

5. 使 your scholarship application personal.

The key to writing a strong essay is to be personal, authentic, and specific. Include concrete details to make your experience come alive. Even the simplest experience can be monumental if you present honestly how you were affected.

6. 注意所有截止日期.

To help keep yourself on track, impose your own deadline that is at least two weeks before the official deadline. Use the buffer time to make sure everything is ready on time and you don’t have to rush through the application. Don’t rely on extensions — very few scholarship providers allow them at all.

7. 使 sure your application gets where it needs to go.

Include your name and follow directions on all pages of the application. Pieces of your application may get lost unless they are clearly identified.

8. Keep a backup file in case anything goes wrong.

Before sending the application, make a copy of the entire packet. If your application goes astray, you’ll be able to reproduce it quickly.

9. 给 it a final “once-over.” Even better, give it a “twice-over.”

Proofread the entire application carefully. Watch for misspelled words or grammatical errors. Ask a friend, teacher, or parent to proofread it as well.

10. 避免诈骗.

You can identify scholarship scams by:

  • Lack of specific application deadlines
  • 保证的承诺
  • Requests for credit card or bank account numbers
  • 宣传(e.g., “免费的钱,“赢得你应得的份额。,”“保证,“先到先得”, 先得,” or “everybody is eligible”)

读 这些建议 or 这篇文章 about how to avoid financial aid scams.

11. Ask for help if you need it.

If you have problems with the application, don’t hesitate to call the scholarship foundation.

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